The Perfect Day

Well it's here.  That time when all my posts start to revolve around the fact that we are moving and that I'm literally DEVASTATED about it!!  Let me start by staying I am thrilled to be moving closer to my parents, in-laws and other family.  I absolutely love my own family and adore Peter's family as well.  I am incredibly blessed to have two fabulous families who love us so much.



If you've been a blog reader for long (first of all thank you since I've practically fallen off the face of the internet world) you know I hate that weird "put a period after every word in a sentence" punctuation.  But this time it's necessary.  Because seriously,


This place has become home.  And it is so bittersweet to leave.

I'm already at the "I get teary" point.  Everyday.  Every.  Single.  Day.

I think about our start here (planning to detail that in another post).  Our two sweet sweet babies born here.  The friendships made.  The losses we've experienced while living here.  The growth. The beauty.  All a sweet sweet gift from our heavenly Father.

As each day passes I try to etch the people...the smells...the water...all of it on my mind.  To share with my kids when they want to know what Tacoma was like.  And to savor myself...when my heart feels like it's going to break from the pain of leaving.  Of starting over again.  That fresh start, so full of possibilities, but so empty of familiarity.  Of people.  Of home.

We had a perfect day today...perfect days aren't really perfect.  But they are made up of lot's of perfect moments.  Sweet glimpses of heaven.  Sweet blessings.  Sweet memories....etched away in my heart.

We camped.....

We read...

We cooed....

We looked cool....

We swung as high and as fast as Daddy's underdog would take us.  And giggled, saying "Again, Daddy, again!!" over and over.

We played tag with strangers.  Calling ourselves the fast blue whale....and running until we could no longer.

We practiced our selfies....

Chased harbor seals.....

Awed at mountains....

And sunsets....

Climbed rocks....

And "camped" for the night.

Thank you Lord for this perfect day.  For sweet children's laughter.  For hugs and kisses.  For coos and cries.  For mountains of majesty.  For the murky smell of the water.  For sweaty boys.  And sweet girls.  For sweet friends.  For a supportive spouse.  For going before us as we move.  For Jesus.  For love.  For freedom from ourselves.  For hope in You.  


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