Underwater Adventure

It's been a crazy few months for us.  Settling in to a new house and new routine has been a little harder for me than I thought!  I've also been weighing the pros and cons of having a private blog and whether I really want to maintain two.  I want to be respectful of our family's privacy but at the same time have enjoyed the community and a couple of relationships that have developed through meeting other bloggers that I've never actually "met."  So while I keep contemplating the future of my little bit of reality here I'll share some pictures from our recent visit to the aquarium.

On our trip out here we went to the zoo and also saw lots of wild animals in the national parks.  We got a zoo membership as soon as we arrived (we're only 3 miles away!!) and took Little Guy one of the first weeks we were in our new house.  We found that the animals are often too far away for him to notice and it was more fun for us.  The aquarium however is a totally different ballgame.  The fish and turtles are so close that he really enjoyed interacting with them.  So it was even MORE fun for Mama and Daddy because we love to watch him having fun!!

He was super interested in looking at himself in the mirror.

Looking at the fish and turtles with Daddy.

Loving on Mama.

This is where you can find the Little Guy most of the time if Daddy is around.


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